Door Clamps Ox Vs Wolf Vs Xtorque XPCLAMP
Deciding between the Ox or Xtorque XPCLAMP/wolf door clamps? and wondering what one to choose?
The Xtorque XPCLAMP and Wolf Door Clamp are the exact same product just being the Sydney Tools and Total Tools Options respectively other than the colour they are exactly the same
Both do a fine job of holding your doors up to work on but there are a few differences , the obvious diffrence between the Ox Door clamp and the Wolf version is the price OX being $229 and Wolf and Xtorque XPCLAMP being $129
They all perform the same function but the Wolf clamp has a bolt that holds it open that can be handy,
The Ox clamp is slightly lighter and smaller so if you are using it regularly it takes up a bit less space in your kit but fairly minor
The significant differences as far as use goes is the OX door clamp has a much smoother mechanism and the foot peddle on the ox clamp is much easier to use underfoot