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3 Things To Look For When Picking A Building Inspector

There are a few things to think about when you are looking to get a building inspection 1) If they can't build it they shouldn't inspect it. The oversight for building inspectors in Adelaide is shockingly low, ask to see a builders licence and if they aren't licensed to build it they they shouldn't be doing building inspections on it. Never feel uncomfortable to ask to see a builders licence it will only be a problem if they don't have one.

2)If they wont get in the roof get a different inspector. There are lots of things you cant see when it comes to the structure of a home during a building inspection one of the only places you can get a clear idea of the quality of the work is in the roof and under the floors if there is underfloor access. You are paying a building inspector for piece of mind and if they aren't going to do a thorough job you aren't getting what you have paid for

3) Clear and Concise Inspection Reports, I have seen lots of reports from building inspectors that seem to think they need to justify their time there by filling in reports with the same defect listed as many ways and in as many places as possible. Reports should be simple and clear to read after all if they were written for a builder to read they shouldn't be needed at all. Never hesitate to ask for clarity you are paying for a clear and concise service that the average person can make sense of



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